Documentation Updates for the Period Ending July 12, 2014

New Docs

The following documents are new to the help desk support series as part of our regular documentation update efforts:

  • Can I route assets to different backends based on specific criteria I supply?
  • How can I follow redirects to S3 objects and cache s3 responses?
  • How can I check multiple backends for a single request?

Recently Edited & Reviewed Docs

The following documents were edited by request, as part of the normal doc review cycle, or as a result of updates to how the Fastly app operates:

  • How do I publish a live stream?
  • Can I get a copy of my bill sent to a person other than the owner of the account?
  • Why did my Googlebot crawl stats drop so radically after I signed up with Fastly?

Our documentation archive contains PDF snapshots of site content as of the above date. Previous updates can be found in the archive as well.