Documentation Updates for the Period Ending June 27, 2015

Recently Edited & Reviewed Docs

The following documents were edited by request, as part of the normal doc review cycle, or as a result of updates to how the Fastly app operates:

  • Conditions Tutorial
  • Health Checks Tutorial
  • How do I change the email or password associated with my account?

Regarding documents describing secure HTTP connections

We've made some special wording updates to Fastly services guides we want you to be aware of. Because Fastly uses the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol for secure HTTP connections, we've updated the references in all of our documentation to use the term TLS unless explicitly describing the now deprecated SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol or when mentioning settings that display SSL in the Fastly application.

Our documentation archive contains PDF snapshots of site content as of the above date. Previous updates can be found in the archive as well.