7. Conclusion

That’s a wrap! We’ve successfully started using Fastly to cache our static website. Go ahead, visit https://www.tacolabs.com — or whatever domain name you’ve been using to follow along with — and marvel at how fast the site loads. And give yourself a pat on the back for doing all of the legwork!

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this tutorial. Just think. You’ve learned the basics of content delivery networks and why you’d want to use Fastly. You’ve created a Fastly service and added a domain and origin. You’ve configured a variety of caching settings, set up logging, and learned how to invalidate cache by purging. And last but not least, you’ve learned how to update DNS records and configure TLS through Fastly to secure your website.

You now know everything you need to know to start using Fastly with your own website or web application. With some minor modifications, these instructions could be adapted to work with virtually any website or application. For example, you could use a client library or a plugin to configure your application to interact with the Fastly API. Feel free to refer back to this tutorial as you set things up. We can’t wait to see what you build with Fastly!

What's next

Learn more about Fastly's products and features by exploring our documentation on https://docs.fastly.com. If you have questions, contact our support team.

If you're curious about image optimization, follow along with Introduction to Fastly Image Optimizer, a step-by-step tutorial that shows you how to set up Fastly IO for a real website. It builds on the concepts introduced in this tutorial, and it guides you through the steps of optimizing the images for Taco Labs, the static website we used as an example in this tutorial.