Setting up Client-Side Protection

To get started with Client-Side Protection, create at least one website and Page. Together, a website and Page define the full URLs of the webpages that you want to monitor and protect (e.g., and

Limitations & considerations

When using Client-Side Protection, keep in mind the following:

  • Only users assigned the role of superuser can manage websites and Pages.
  • The inventory process runs on a non-configurable sampled basis. Your website's traffic volume factors into the frequency at which the inventory process runs. Creating or updating a Page does not trigger the inventory process.
  • When inventorying the scripts that are observed for a Page, Client-Side Protection doesn’t capture where the scripts were loaded from.
  • A Page can support a maximum of 1,000 paths.

Managing websites

A website is a base URL (e.g., or

  1. Add
  2. Edit
  3. Delete

To add a website, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Fastly control panel.
  2. Go to Security > Client-Side Protection > Websites.
  3. Click Add website.
  4. In the Website field, enter the base URL of your website.
  5. Click Continue to add page to create a Page that is associated with the website you just created. Alternatively, click Add website to create the website without any associated Pages.

Managing Pages

A Page is a single path (e.g., /checkout) or collection of paths that describe a similar component or user experience on a website (e.g., /checkout and /edit-cc). Multiple Pages can be associated with the same website.

  1. Add
  2. Edit
  3. Delete

To add a Page, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Fastly control panel.
  2. Go to Security > Client-Side Protection > Pages.
  3. Click Add page.
  4. Fill out the Add page form as follows:
    • In the Page name field, enter a name for the Page.
    • In the Page description field, enter a description of the Page.
    • From the Website menu, select the appropriate website.
    • In the Alert email field, enter an email address that should receive notifications about your Page.
    • Leave the Inventory all paths checkbox selected to inventory all of the website's paths. Deselect the checkbox if you want to specify the paths that should be inventoried.
    • If you deselected the Inventory all paths checkbox, in the Paths field, enter a path that should be inventoried. For each additional path that needs inventorying, click the plus Plus icon sign next to the last path you entered.
  5. Click Add page.

What's next

For each Page that you've created, you can monitor the associated inventory that Fastly creates and create a policy that controls the resources that the end user's browser is allowed to load.

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