Web interface

These articles describe key features of the Fastly web interface controls.


These articles provide basic information about the Home page of the Fastly web interface.


These articles provide basic information about the Observability controls in the Fastly web interface.


These articles provide basic information about the CDN controls of the Fastly web interface.


These articles provide basic information about the Compute controls of the Fastly web interface.


These articles provide basic information about the Security controls in the Fastly web interface.


These articles provide basic information about the Resources controls in the Fastly web interface.


These articles provide basic information about the Account controls in the Fastly web interface.

Can't find exactly what you're looking for using the navigation controls? The universal search controls allow you to search globally across…

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Located in the account area of the web interface, the Sustainability dashboard provides data visualizations for Fastly's carbon emission…

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The user quick links menu provide you with direct links to account, billing, and contact information you're likely to want access to most…

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Fastly provides web interface access to all of its features and functions, which are also accessible using Fastly's application programming…

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