November 2019 Documentation Changes

Recently edited and reviewed docs

The following documentation was edited as part of a normal review cycle or as a result of updates to how the Fastly web interface and API operate:

In addition to the updated Log streaming: Logentries guide, the other log streaming guides, with the exception of Papertrail logging guide, were updated to reflect the new Create endpoint button that replaces the specific logging graphic links.

The following API documentation was edited as part of a normal review cycle or as a result of updates to how the Fastly API operates:

In addition to these updates, we've also updated our logging endpoint API documentation to clarify some parameter descriptions.

New and recently updated VCL docs

The following documents were edited by request, as part of the normal doc review cycle, or as a result of updates to how Fastly's Varnish operates:

New and recently updated Japanese translations

The following Japanese (日本語) translations were recently updated to reflect changes in their English counterparts:

Our documentation archive contains PDF snapshots of site content as of the above date. Previous updates can be found in the archive as well.