About the TLS dashboard

The TLS dashboard provides a high-level overview of the status of your Fastly-managed and self-managed TLS certificates. It alerts you to any issues with your certificates and summarizes the actions you may need to take as a result of any of those alerts.

Viewing the TLS dashboard

You can access the TLS dashboard after you set up your first Fastly-managed or self-managed certificate.

To view the TLS dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Fastly control panel.
  2. Go to Security > TLS management > Dashboard.

About the TLS certificate dashboard

The TLS certificate dashboard provides a summary of the status of your Fastly-managed certificate subscriptions and self-managed TLS certificates, depending on which certificate type you're using to secure your domains.

The Subscriptions summary displays a count of:

  • the number of certificate subscriptions that Fastly was unable to renew and that are no longer securing traffic. Refer to the TLS certificate alerts for the specific certificates that failed renewal and follow the instructions to retry.
  • the number of certificates Fastly is currently attempting to reverify and renew.
  • the number of certificates undergoing domain verification processing.
  • the number of valid certificates.

For more information on Fastly-managed certificate expiration and renewals, refer to Certificate management and renewals.

The Self-managed certificates summary gives a count of:

  • the number of certificates you manage that are expired. Refer to the TLS certificate alerts for the specific certificates that expired.
  • the number of certificates you manage nearing expiration.
  • the number of valid certificates.

For more information on self-managed certificate expiration and renewals, refer to Certificate expirations.

About the TLS alerts

The TLS alerts section appears any time you have certificates with errors. It displays a table of all certificates that have either expired or failed to renew and contains the following specific details about those certificates:

  • Status: the status of the certificate with the alert.
  • Certificate name: the name of the certificate.
  • Expiration/Renewal Date: a UTC timestamp of when the certificate expired.
  • Domains: a list of domains associated with the expired certificate and that may no longer be serving secured traffic.
  • Alert description: a description of the error on the certificate. Click the linked text to take steps to resolve the error.

By default, all certificate alerts appear in this section. You can limit the displayed results by selecting a filter from the Filter menu or by using the search field to find a specific alert by domain.

About the Clean up tasks

The Clean up tasks section contains recommended actions to take based on the certificates and keys added to your services. This section appears if you have unused certificates or unmatched private keys.

Expand the Unused certificates section to view details about unused certificates including when the certificates expire and which domains are associated with the certificates. Unused certificates can be safely deleted. To delete unused certificates:

  1. Navigate to the row with the unused certificate you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete. A confirmation window appears.
  3. Click Delete Certificate. The unused certificate is deleted and is no longer listed.

Expand the Unmatched private keys section to view details about private keys that don't have a matching certificate uploaded. Upload a matching certificate or safely delete the key. To delete unmatched private keys:

  1. Navigate to the row with the unused certificate you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete. A confirmation window appears.
  3. Click Delete Certificate. The unmatched private key is deleted and is no longer listed.
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