Package downloads


This guide only applies to Next-Gen WAF customers with access to the Next-Gen WAF control panel. If you have access to the Next-Gen WAF product in the Fastly control panel, you can only deploy the Next-Gen WAF with the Edge WAF deployment method.



On April 15, 2025, Fastly will cease supporting agent upgrades for Next-Gen WAF services on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and CentOS 6. Our formal end of support announcement provides additional details. Questions or concerns? Contact your Fastly account manager or reach out to Customer Support.

The Next-Gen WAF agent supports different combinations of operating systems and architecture types.


Per our agent end-of-support policy, we support agent versions that are under two years old, and on a quarterly cadence, we deprecate and no longer support agent versions that are older than two years.

Download the latest version of the agent or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the agent that you want to use.

  3. Click the name of the operating system you want to use. Options include Alpine, CentOS or RHEL, Debian, Linux, Ubuntu, and Windows.

  4. Click the version of the operating system that you want to use.

  5. Click the file name of the agent package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every agent package version is sigsci-agent.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF agent.
    • os-version: the version of the operating system (OS).
    • architecture-type: the architecture type. Types include ARM64 and AMD64.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the sigsci-agent_4.58.0~jammy_amd64.deb package version as follows:



The Apache module supports different combinations of operating systems for the x86_64 (AMD64) architecture type. Download the latest version or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the name of the operating system you want to use. Options include Alpine, CentOS or RHEL, Debian, and Ubuntu.

  4. Click the version of the operating system that you want to use.

  5. Click the file name of the module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every module package version is sigsci-module-apache.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module.
    • architecture-type: the architecture type, which is x86_64 (AMD64) for all Apache module packages.
    • os-version: the version of the operating system (OS). Alpine packages do not use this element.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    Element delimiters in the file name depend on the OS of the package. File names are assembled as follows:

    Operating systemNaming convention
    CentOS or RHEL[base-name]-[package-version].[os-version].[architecture-type].[file-type]

    The following table demonstrates how you can break down file names into their elements:



Download the latest version of the HAProxy module package or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the name of the operating system you want to use. Options include Alpine, CentOS or RHEL, Debian, and Ubuntu.

  4. Click the version of the operating system that you want to use.

  5. Click the file name of the module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every module package version is sigsci-module-haproxy.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module.
    • os-version: the version of the operating system (OS).
    • architecture-type: the architecture type. Types include AMD64 or both AMD64 and ARM64.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    Element delimiters in the file name depend on the OS of the package. File names are assembled as follows:

    Operating systemNaming convention
    Alpine, Debian, Ubuntu[base-name]_[package-version]-[os-version]_[architecture-type].[file-type]
    CentOS or RHEL[base-name]-[package-version]_[os-version].[architecture-type].[file-type]

    The following table demonstrates how you can break down file names into their elements:

    sigsci-module-haproxy_1.3.1-3.6_all.apksigsci-module-haproxy1.3.13.6ARM64, AMD64APK


Download the latest version of the Heroku module or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the file name of the module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every module package version is sigsci-heroku-buildpack.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the sigsci-heroku-buildpack-0.2.2.tgz package version as follows:


IBM Cloud

Download the latest version of the IBM Cloud module or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the file name of the module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every module package version is sigsci-bluemix-buildpack.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the sigsci-bluemix-buildpack-1.0.2.tgz package version as follows:



Download the latest version of the IIS module package or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the file name of the module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every module package version is sigsci-module-iis.
    • architecture-type: the architecture type, which is x64 (AMD64) for all ISS module packages.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    File names are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the sigsci-module-iis-x64-3.3.0.msi package file name as follows:

  4. Optionally, click the file name of the related Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit (SHA-256) key to download it. You can use the key to validate the module package that you downloaded.


Download the latest version of the Java module package or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site. The Java module directory appears.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the file name of the files that you want to download. Relevant files are as follows:

    • JAR: a JAR file with the compiled source code for the module. The file name contains the base name (i.e., sigsci-module-java), the module version, and the file type. For example, the JAR file name for module version 2.5.1 is sigsci-module-java-2.5.1.jar.
    • Javadoc JAR: - a JAR file with a documentation static HTML site for the module. The file name contains the base name (i.e., sigsci-module-java), the module version, the JAR type (i.e., javadoc), and the file type. For example, the Javadoc JAR file name for module version 2.5.1 is sigsci-module-java-2.5.1-javadoc.jar.
    • Shaded JAR: - a JAR file with the compiled module source code and the code for all library dependencies. The file name contains the base name (i.e., sigsci-module-java), the module version, the JAR type (i.e., shaded), and the file type. For example, the shaded JAR file name for module version 2.5.1 is sigsci-module-java-2.5.1-shaded.jar.
    • Sources JAR: a JAR file with the module source code that hasn't been compiled. The file name contains the base name (i.e., sigsci-module-java), the module version, the JAR type (i.e., sources), and the file type. For example, the sources JAR file name for module version 2.5.1 is sigsci-module-java-2.5.1-sources.jar.


Download the latest version of the .NET module package or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the file name of the module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every module package version is SignalSciences.Module.DotNet.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the SignalSciences.Module.DotNet.1.6.1.nupkg package version as follows:


.NET Core

Follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the file name of the module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every module package version is SignalSciences.Module.DotNetCore.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the SignalSciences.Module.DotNetCore.1.3.0.nupkg package version as follows:


Next-Gen WAF core command line utility

Download the latest version of Next-Gen WAF core command line utility (ngwafctl) or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the utility that you want to use.

  3. Click the name of the operating system you want to use. Options include Darwin, Linux, and Windows.

  4. Click the file name of the utility package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every utility package version is ngwafctl.
    • package-version: the version of the utility.
    • os: the type of the operating system (OS).
    • architecture-type: the architecture type. Types include ARM64 and AMD64.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the ngwafctl_1.0.0_linux_arm64.tar.gz package version as follows:



The NGINX module supports different combinations of NGINX versions, operating systems, and architecture types. Download the latest version of the module, download a specific version for CentOS or RHEL, Debian, or Ubuntu, or download a specific version for Alpine.

NGINX for Alpine

To download a specific version of the NGINX module for Alpine, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the download site for Alpine. The NGINX module directory appears.

  2. Click the version of Alpine that you want to use.

  3. Click the main/ directory link.

  4. Click the architecture type that you use. Options include ARM64 (AArch64) and AMD64 (x86_64).

  5. Click the file name of the Alpine NGINX module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every NGINX module package version is nginx-module-sigsci.
    • nginx-type: the type of NGINX server that you're running. Types include open source NGINX (NXO) and NGINX Plus (NXP).
    • nginx-version: the version of the NGINX server.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module package.
    • alpine-build-number: the build number of the Alpine version.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the nginx-module-sigsci-nxp-1.21.6-1.1.6-r0.apk package version as follows:

    nginx-module-sigsciNGINX Plus1.

NGINX for CentOS or RHEL, Debian, or Ubuntu

To download a specific version of the NGINX module for CentOS or RHEL, Debian, or Ubuntu, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the package that you want to use.

  3. Click the name of the operating system you want to use. Options include CentOS or RHEL, Debian, and Ubuntu. If you want to use Alpine, follow the Alpine package download instructions.

  4. Click the version of the operating system that you want to use.

  5. Click the file name of the NGINX module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every NGINX module package version is nginx-module-sigsci.
    • nginx-type: the type of NGINX server that you're running. Types include open source NGINX (NXO) and NGINX Plus (NXP).
    • nginx-version: the version of the NGINX server.
    • nginx-build-number: the build number of the NGINX version.
    • os-version: the version of the operating system (OS).
    • architecture-type: the architecture type. Types include ARM64 (AArch64) and AMD64 (x86_64).
    • file-type: the type of file.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the nginx-module-sigsci-nxp_1.21.5-492~focal_arm64.deb package version as follows:

    nginx-module-sigsciNGINX Plus1.21.5492FocalARM64DEB


Download the latest version of the Node.js module package or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the file name of the module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every module package version is sigsci-module-nodejs.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the sigsci-module-nodejs-2.1.2.tgz package version as follows:


Pivotal Platform & Pivotal Web Services (PWS)

Download the latest version of the Pivotal Platform and Pivotal Web Services module package or follow these steps to download a specific version:

  1. Navigate to the package downloads site. The Pivotal Platform and Pivotal Web Services module directory appears.

  2. Click the version of the module that you want to use.

  3. Click the file name of the module package version that you want to download. The file names are comprised of the following elements:

    • base-name: the type of package. The base name for every module package version is sigsci-cloudfoundry.
    • package-version: the version of the Next-Gen WAF module.
    • file-type: the type of file.

    The elements are assembled as follows:


    For example, you can break down the sigsci-cloudfoundry-0.1.4.tgz package version as follows:

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