Working with custom signals

Custom signals can be created to increase visibility into rules. Normally, requests that are immediately blocked or allowed by rules will not be visible in the control panel. To add visibility to immediately blocked or allowed requests, configure the rule to add a custom signal to the requests. A representative sample of requests that have been tagged with a custom signal will be listed in the Requests page of the control panel and can be found by searching for the custom signal.

Signals can be created on individual sites (Site Signals) as well as the corp as a whole (Corp Signals) to be easily used in multiple sites.

Limitations and considerations

When working with signals, keep the following things in mind:

  • The Essentials platform does not support custom signals.
  • Only Owners can create, edit, and delete corp-level signals.
  • Signals are limited to 200 per corp plus 200 per site.

Viewing and Editing Signals

Corp Signals can be managed by going to Corp Rules > Corp Signals, while Site Signals can be managed by navigating to a specific site and going to Rules > Site Signals. Any signals you have created will be listed on these pages. Edit or remove any of the signals by clicking Details to the right of the signal.

Creating Signals

You can create custom signals at the corp-level and site-level.

Corp Signals

  1. Log in to the Next-Gen WAF control panel.
  2. From the Corp Rules menu, select Corp Signals.
  3. Click Add corp signal.
  4. In the Signal name field, enter the name of the custom signal.
  5. (Optional) In the Description (optional) field, enter a description for the custom signal.
  6. Click Create corp signal.

Only Owners can create, edit, and delete Corp Signals.

Site Signals

  1. Log in to the Next-Gen WAF control panel.
  2. From the Sites menu, select a site if you have more than one site.
  3. From the Site Rules menu, select Site Signals.
  4. Click Add site signal.
  5. In the Signal name field, enter the name of the custom signal.
  6. (Optional) In the Description (optional) field, enter a description for the custom signal.
  7. Click Create site signal.

Using Signals

When creating a rule, the Add signal action can be used to tag requests processed by the rule with a custom signal. Select the appropriate signal or create a new signal by selecting Create new signal from the menu.

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