About the Domains page

The Domains page gives you access to the Domain Inspector dashboard, which provides real-time and historic visibility into response data for traffic from your domains and subdomains to a Fastly Deliver service. To access the Domains page, go to Observability > Domains.

Before you begin

Domain Inspector is disabled by default. Anyone assigned the role of superuser can enable a 30-day trial directly in the web interface either on the Domains page or on the Trials page. After your trial expires, Domain Inspector can be purchased for an account by contacting sales@fastly.com and then enabled for a service by any superuser or engineer, which will result in changes to your monthly bill.

Be sure you know how to access the web interface controls before learning about the details you'll encounter here.

Enabling and disabling Domain Inspector


To enable or disable this product via the API once you've purchased it, check out our developer documentation.

Enabling Domain Inspector

To enable Domain Inspector for a service:

  1. Log in to the Fastly control panel.
  2. Go to Observability > Domains.
  3. Click the Monitor domain responses switch to the On position to enable Domain Inspector for the service.

Once enabled, any user on your account can start viewing real-time and historic stats metrics about your domains immediately. Historic metrics usually become available two minutes after the end of each minute, but can take up to 15 minutes to appear.

Disabling Domain Inspector

To disable Domain Inspector for a service:

  1. Log in to the Fastly control panel.
  2. Go to Observability > Domains.
  3. Click the Monitor domain responses switch to the Off position to disable Domain Inspector for the service.

Once disabled, we stop collecting real-time and historic stats metrics about your domains.

About the Domain Inspector dashboard

Once Domain Inspector is enabled for your account, the Domain Inspector dashboard displays the following metrics when you select All domains from the Domain menu:

  • Edge Requests by Domain: the number of requests processed at the edge by each domain.
  • Response Body Bytes by Domain: the number of response body bytes delivered from the edge by each domain.
  • Response Header Bytes by Domain: the number of response header bytes delivered from the edge by each domain.
  • 2xx Status Codes by Domain: the number of 2xx type (success) HTTP response codes delivered by each domain.
  • 3xx Status Codes by Domain: the number of 3xx type (redirection) HTTP response status codes delivered by each domain.
  • 4xx Status Codes by Domain: the number of 4xx type (client error) HTTP response status codes delivered by each domain.
  • 5xx Status Codes by Domain: the number of 5xx type (server error) HTTP response status codes delivered by each domain.

When you select any single domain from the Domain menu, the Domain Inspector dashboard displays the following metrics:

  • Edge Hit Ratio: the percentage of cache hits to all cacheable content over time.
  • Edge Hit Ratio Percentage: the percentage of cache hits to all cacheable content.
  • Edge Response Status Codes: the number of response status codes delivered from the edge.
  • Origin Response Status Codes: the number of status response codes from the domain's origin.
  • Edge Status 5xx Details: the distribution of 5xx (server) status codes delivered from the edge.
  • Origin Status 5xx Details: the distribution of 5xx (server) status codes delivered from the domain's origin.
  • Edge Status 4xx Details: the distribution of 4xx (server) status codes delivered from the edge.
  • Origin Status 4xx Details: the distribution of 4xx (server) status codes delivered from the domain's origin.
  • Edge Status 3xx Details: the distribution of 3xx (server) status codes delivered from the edge.
  • Origin Status 3xx Details: the distribution of 3xx (server) status codes delivered from the domain's origin.
  • Edge Status 2xx Details: the distribution of 2xx (server) status codes delivered from the edge.
  • Origin Status 2xx Details: the distribution of 2xx (server) status codes delivered from the domain's origin.
  • Edge Requests: the number of requests received at the edge.
  • Origin Requests: the number of origin requests fetched for a domain.
  • Bandwidth: total number of bytes delivered for a domain.
  • Origin Offload Percentage: the percentage of content delivered from the edge compared to what was delivered from your origin for a domain.
  • Origin Offload: the average amount of content, in bytes served, from the edge.

What's next

Dig deeper into details about all areas of the web interface before you move on to working with services.
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