About the Trials page

The Trials page allows you to view details about product or feature trials that are active or can be started. The Trials page also provides usage metrics for trials and the ability for superusers to upgrade to full access of the product or feature. To access the Trials page, go to Account > Billing > Trials.

Before you begin

About the Trials page

When your user role allows you access to this page, a list of cards for products and features with trials appears. These cards represent trials across your account, so you can check trials that were enabled by other users with access.

Use the search bar to filter the page to view only trial details for a specific product.

Starting a trial

Superusers can start a trial from the Trials page. To start a trial, click Start trial and then confirm you want to start the trial. Trial cards for products or features that have been activated, regardless of whether that trial is now expired, contain the following details:

  • the date on which the trial expires
  • the date on which the trial started
  • the user who started the trial

    The user name appears as "Fastly" if the trial was started by an internal Fastly admin and "Deleted user" if the trial was started by a user which has since been deleted.

  • usage details for the trial
  • a link to relevant documentation for the product or feature

A trial can only be started once per account. Once the trial is over, you can upgrade your account to full access of the product or feature by clicking Upgrade.

Monitoring trial usage

Once a trial has been started, click Usage details to view usage metrics about your trial period. You can view these usage metrics even after the trial has expired.

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