Debian Apache Module Install


This guide only applies to Next-Gen WAF customers with access to the Next-Gen WAF control panel. If you have access to the Next-Gen WAF product in the Fastly control panel, you can only deploy the Next-Gen WAF with the Edge WAF deployment method.


If you haven't already, add the Debian package repository on the host that will contain the module.

Install the Apache module

  1. Install the Apache module.

    $ sudo apt-get install sigsci-module-apache
  2. Enable the Apache module.

    $ sudo a2enmod signalsciences

    If a2enmod is not available, add the following line to your Apache configuration file (apache2.conf or httpd.conf) after the Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support section to enable the Next-Gen WAF Apache module:

    LoadModule signalsciences_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
  3. Restart the Apache web service.

    $ sudo service apache2 restart

Next steps

Verify the agent and module installation and explore module options.

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