Working with CDN services

Once you create a CDN service, you can edit and activate new versions of your Fastly services that include refinements and updates to your configurations. The web interface also allows you to do other things with existing Fastly services, like compare them to each other, deactivate or reactivate them, and delete them.

Before you begin

Before you create your first Fastly service, be sure you understand how services and versions work and service creation limits. You'll also need to understand the Fastly web interface controls before using them to work with your Fastly services.


This guide includes instructions for creating and interacting with CDN services. Our Compute documentation provides more information on working with services that take advantage of Compute.

Creating a new CDN service

You can create new CDN and Compute services through the web interface. Use the steps below to quickly create a CDN service that uses standard defaults common to many customers. If you prefer to create a draft service immediately, the Skip and go to service configuration link will automatically create a draft version of a new service with no recommended defaults.

  1. Log in to the Fastly web interface.
  2. Click Create service at the top right of the page, just below the primary navigation controls.
  3. In the Service name field, enter a descriptive name for your service (e.g., My Example Website Service).
  4. In the Domain field, enter the name of the domain you want Fastly to use to route requests to. Our guide to working with domains provides additional details.
  5. In the Host field, enter the name of the host you plan to use as the backend or origin for your site. Our guide to working with hosts provides additional details.
  6. Review the Recommended settings that are enabled by default for your service and decide whether or not to disable them by clicking the appropriate setting switch to Off.
  7. Click Activate. Your service will be created using the service name, domain, and host you specify and the default settings you've left enabled.
  8. Test your service configurations by opening in a new browser window, replacing with your own website's domain name. Your website should appear, though it may take up to 60 seconds for new configuration settings to take effect. You can continue to explore various configuration settings for as long as you like before starting to serve traffic.
  9. Once you've reviewed everything and are ready, complete your service setup and start serving traffic through Fastly by setting your domain's CNAME DNS record to point to Fastly.

Editing your services

You might want to edit a version of an existing service to do things like:

  • change the amount of time information is retained in cache memory for a service
  • configure a service to temporarily serve stale content should your origin server need to be unavailable for an extended period of time (for example, taken offline for maintenance)
  • decrease the amount of time Fastly will wait for your origin server to respond to a request for content

Editing and activating versions of services

Fastly locks versions of services you've already activated to make rollbacks safer and provide version control. You can duplicate (clone) any existing service version, active or inactive, and edit that cloned version. You must activate new versions of services to deploy their configurations. Configuration changes are never automatically activated.

To make changes to a service and activate a new version, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Fastly web interface.
  2. From the Home page, select the appropriate service. You can use the search box to search by ID, name, or domain.
  3. From the Edit configuration menu, select the appropriate service configuration action:
    • Select Clone version [version number] (active) to clone the active version of the service for editing.
    • Select Edit version [version number] (latest draft) to edit the latest draft of the service.
  4. Click Activate. The new version of the service is activated and appears in the event log.

Viewing all services

You can view all the services associated with your account or filter them to show only specific types of services.

Viewing a complete list of services

To view all your services once you're logged in, click either Compute services or CDN services in the Your services card of the Home page to display a list of your services of a particular type. Clicking on each column in the displayed list will sort the entire list based on that content type.

the list of services with the filter menu selecting favorite services

If you have a lot of services, you can view a condensed version of the list by clicking the icon with three lines Hamburger icon above the list of services.

the condensed list of services with the filter menu selecting only active services

Viewing a subset of all services

You can filter your list of services to show services that are active or inactive, or that you've designated as favorites. To filter your services, select the appropriate filters from the Filter menu above the list of services:

the condensed list of services

The filters you've applied to the list will appear as oval shapes above the list of services. You can remove a filter at any time by clicking the x on any filter or the Clear filters option.


If you have a lot of services, consider clicking the star Star icon to the left of a service name to mark it as a favorite. You can view a subset of services using filters and include only your favorites.

Switching between services and service versions

To switch between services associated with your account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Fastly web interface.
  2. From the Home page, select the appropriate service. You can use the search box to search by ID, name, or domain.
  3. From the Service summary or Service configuration page, click the switcher Chevron down icon to the right of the account name and ID.

    The service switcher

  4. Select the appropriate service from the list that appears.

To switch between versions of a specific service, follow these steps:

  1. From the Service configuration page, click the switcher Chevron down icon to the right of the version number.

    The service version switcher

  2. Select the appropriate version from the list that appears.

Deleting a service

Fastly allows you to delete any service you create, along with all of its versions. Fastly does not offer a way to delete specific versions of a service, however. Service versions are meant to be a historic log of the changes that were made to a service. To undo changes introduced by a particular service version, you can always go back to a previous version and reactivate or clone a new service version based on any old version.

To delete any service along with all of its versions, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Fastly web interface.
  2. From the Home page, select the appropriate service. You can use the search box to search by ID, name, or domain.
  3. From the Options menu, select Deactivate.
  4. Click Confirm and deactivate to confirm you want to deactivate your service and acknowledge that you no longer want to serve traffic with it.
  5. From the Options menu, select Delete and then click Confirm and delete to delete the service.

To minimize the risk of unauthorized use of your domains, we strongly recommend modifying or deleting any DNS CNAME records pointing to the Fastly hostname associated with the deleted service. Follow the instructions on your DNS provider's website.

Other things you can do

In addition to creating or editing services, you can rename them, deactivate or reactivate specific versions of them, and delete them.

Renaming services

To rename your service, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Fastly web interface.
  2. From the Home page, select the appropriate service. You can use the search box to search by ID, name, or domain.
  3. From the Options menu, select Edit service name.
  4. In the Service name field, enter a new service name.
  5. Click Apply. The newly renamed service name appears.

Adding comments to service versions

Service versions can include comments to label them (e.g., to identify reasons for changes in that version). You can add and update version comments on both locked and activated service versions.

  1. Log in to the Fastly web interface.
  2. From the Home page, select the appropriate service. You can use the search box to search by ID, name, or domain.
  3. Click Edit configuration and then select the option to clone the active version.
  4. Click Add comment in the upper right corner of the web interface.

    the add comment link

    The comment window appears.

    the version comment window

  5. In the Comment field, enter a meaningful comment for the version.

  6. Click Save. The truncated version of the comment appears where the Add comment link used to be.

    the service version


You can view service version comments at any time by clicking the service version number to display the version selection menu or by clicking the version comment icon Comment icon to display the version comment in a separate window. Version comments also appear in the event log to help with account activity monitoring.

Comparing different service versions

To compare two versions of a service, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Fastly web interface.
  2. From the Home page, select the appropriate service. You can use the search box to search by ID, name, or domain.
  3. Click Diff versions. The Diff versions page appears.

    Removals are highlighted in red and the additions and changes are highlighted in green. Any large blocks of unaffected configuration lines can be expanded and viewed or collapsed and hidden by clicking on the plus Plus icon sign to the left of the actual changes, next to the line numbers.

    an example comparison of two service versions


    You can change the compared service versions by clicking Switch versions and selecting a different version number in the menu that appears.

Deactivating a service

To deactivate a service, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Fastly web interface.
  2. From the Home page, select the appropriate service. You can use the search box to search by ID, name, or domain.
  3. From the Options menu, select Deactivate.
  4. In the Enter service name field, enter the exact service name to deactivate.
  5. Click Confirm and deactivate to confirm you want to deactivate your service and acknowledge that you no longer want to serve traffic with it.

To minimize the risk of unauthorized use of your domains, we strongly recommend modifying or deleting any DNS CNAME records pointing to the Fastly hostname associated with the deactivated service. Follow the instructions on your DNS provider's website.

You can also activate or deactivate a service via the API. Did you accidentally delete a service? We can help.

Reactivating a service

To reactivate a service, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Fastly web interface.
  2. From the Home page, select the appropriate service. You can use the search box to search by ID, name, or domain.
  3. Click Edit configuration and then select the option to clone the active version.
  4. Click Activate. The service is reactivated.
  5. If you removed the DNS CNAME records for the service's domains when you deactivated the service, you should add new DNS CNAME records now.

Getting help with accidental service deletions

Services can be deactivated or deleted. Deactivated services can be reactivated at any time, but once they've been deleted you must contact Customer Support to have them restored. When sending your request, remember to include:

  • your customer ID
  • your company name
  • your service ID (the name of the service you want restored)

Customer Support will notify you when your service has been restored.

What's next

Learn more about working with domains, hosts, and health checks as you continue to refine versions of your service configurations.

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