Performance Optimization Package

Fastly's Performance Optimization Package allows you to take advantage of configuration expertise to analyze and tune the performance of your Fastly services. Fastly's Professional Services team can help you use real-time analytics to identify potential improvements for your site's performance.


To use the Performance Optimization Package, you need to:

  • purchase a paid account with a contract for Fastly's services
  • provide Fastly with a batch of representative site URLs that Fastly will analyze for various performance-related factors and use to suggest changes to increase performance

Performance Optimization Package features

The Fastly Performance Optimization Package specifically includes the following analyses and recommendations by Fastly Professional Services staff:

  • Cache Hit Ratio, Shielding, and Clustering. We'll review your existing configuration and service settings and recommend incremental performance improvements you can make to ensure you're taking advantage of Fastly's network architecture.
  • Gzip and Brotli (origin based) compression. We'll suggest configuration changes needed to ensure requested objects have the proper compression for each content type.
  • HTTP/2 readiness. We'll assess your site and suggest network protocol changes to support HTTP/2, and provide recommendations on how to optimize for it.
  • TCP/IP protocols. We'll analyze how your Fastly services send data via TCP/IP to end users and suggest the configuration changes needed to maximize request throughput while reducing last mile latency.

As part of this package, we'll provide you with a written assessment of our recommendations. Implementation of those recommendations by Fastly's Professional Services team can be purchased at an additional cost.

For more details about this product, including pricing information and help with purchasing it, contact your account manager or email

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