Account types

Fastly offers a variety of account types, which we detail below.

Trial accounts

We provide several ways to give Fastly a try before you purchase anything. Use a trial account to get hands-on experience exploring the capabilities of our platforms.

  • Delivery services development trials. We offer a development trial that allows you to test our delivery services by simply signing up. We allow you to test up to $50 of traffic per month for free to ensure everything fits your requirements. You can pay as you go from there by switching to a paid account directly in the web interface. Keep in mind that some add-on options (bringing your own TLS certificates, for example) require you to switch your account to a paid account before that functionality becomes available to you.

  • Compute services development trials. We offer a trial of Compute that allows you to gain experience working with Fastly's serverless edge platform. We allow you to test up to $50 of Compute charges. Once you've signed up for a Fastly account, start your trial by navigating to the Compute tab in the web interface and then following the on-screen prompts. Use the trial to test how serverless application concepts created in your non-production environment can be deployed to the Fastly Edge.

Keep in mind the limitations that apply to all trials:


Already have an account but looking to start a trial for a specific product or feature? Check out the Trials page for details.

You can sign up for a paid Fastly account via our control panel or by contacting us at

Signing up for a paid account online

You can use Fastly's delivery services on a month-to-month basis across our global regions. Start by signing up for a trial, explore a bit, and then, when you're ready to start pushing production traffic our way, upgrade your account directly in the control panel.

Once you switch to a paid account, the developer account trial option disappears and we'll begin billing you automatically at the end of every month using your credit card information. You can estimate your monthly delivery charges by using the pricing estimator on our pricing page. For more detailed information on those monthly charges, including how we measure your usage and when we charge you for it, see our guide to how we calculate your bill.

Contact us at for more information if you plan to push at least 2TB of data per month for delivery and require one of our TLS service options, if you plan to push a minimum of 4TB of data per month, or if you want to purchase our Gold or Enterprise support offerings. We also offer solutions targeted to the needs of specific industries.

Other paid accounts

If you signed up for a paid Fastly account via a method other than our control panel, refer to your contract with Fastly for specific details about your services.

Fastly's open source and non-profit program

We provide free services to members of our open source and nonprofit program. If you are interested in participating in the program, contact us at to get started.

Upgrading your account


To upgrade your account for Compute services, contact

You can upgrade your account for delivery services in the control panel. Have an account superuser follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Fastly control panel.
  2. Go to Account > Billing > Billing information.
  3. Enter your billing address information in the fields provided.
  4. Click Save and continue
  5. Enter your credit card information in the fields provided.
  6. Review the terms of the purchase agreement and click Complete purchase to upgrade your account.

Fastly never sees your credit card number. All transactions are handled by our fully PCI compliant payment gateway and their privacy policy can be found at

Canceling your account

You can cancel your account at any time. Have your account owner follow these steps:

  1. Deactivate and then delete all services on your account.
  2. If you’ve purchased one of Fastly's hosted or managed certificate options, deactivate TLS and delete the TLS domains.
  3. If you've set up TLS with your own certificates, delete them and remove their private keys.
  4. Go to Account > Company settings.
  5. In the Company settings area, click Cancel Account.
  6. In the Your password field of the confirmation window, enter the password associated with your account and click Confirm and Cancel.

After your account is canceled, you'll be billed for any outstanding charges accrued through the day you canceled. For questions about your final billing statement, contact our billing team for assistance. If you decide at a later date to reactivate your account, contact support and request reactivation.

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