Capacity Reservation
Last updated 2023-04-05
Capacity Reservation allows you to reserve Fastly traffic capacity for events based on data bandwidth (in gigabits per second), duration, and type of delivery (Media Shield for VOD, Media Shield for Live, Fastly Streaming Delivery, or Fastly Full Site Delivery). You are required to purchase capacity reservations any time you're expecting a utilization spike from your planned events. When purchasing capacity reservations for your events, you are also required to purchase Fastly's Live Event Monitoring service for the duration of the event.
Billing limits for this product may be different if you've purchased a packaged offering or are using a product or feature trial.
Fees for Capacity Reservation are based on the duration, in hours, of the event and the reserved bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps), for Fastly Full Site Delivery and Streaming Delivery traffic (Capacity Reservation - Edge) or Media Shield for VOD and Media Shield for Live traffic (Capacity Reservation - Media Shield). Fees do not include delivery fees for Fastly Full Site Delivery, Fastly Streaming Delivery, Media Shield for VOD, or Media Shield for Live.
For more details about this product, including pricing information and help with purchasing it, contact your account manager or email
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