About the Sustainability dashboard


This information is part of a beta release. For additional details, read our product and feature lifecycle descriptions.

Located in the account area of the web interface, the Sustainability dashboard provides data visualizations for Fastly's carbon emission and data center energy consumption to anyone assigned the role of billing or superuser on your account. To calculate your sustainability and usage data, we measure the energy requirements of running Fastly services from both renewable and non-renewable sources and the carbon intensity of the energy grids serving Fastly data centers hosting those services in the regions where you have generated usage.

Before you begin

Be sure you know how to access the web interface controls before learning about the details you'll encounter here.

Limitations and considerations

When viewing the Sustainability dashboard page, keep the following things in mind:

  • The sustainability data provided here is Fastly's Confidential Information as per your agreement with Fastly. You may include Fastly sustainability data as part of an aggregate carbon footprint report that does not disclose the Fastly sustainability data as a standalone number or identify Fastly in any form.
  • The sustainability data includes Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions as defined under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
  • Data on this dashboard is subject to estimations and measurement uncertainties due to the limitations inherent in the nature of such data and the methods of calculation. Our estimates may be affected by these inherent measurement uncertainties and could vary if we employ different measurement techniques in the future.

About the controls

A series of controls appears to the right of the page name. These controls allow you to refine the displayed metrics. Specifically:

  • the Location menu allows you to select the country where the metrics are drawn from.
  • the Date menu allows you to change the timeframe over which metrics will be displayed.
  • the Export menu allows you to create a PRD of the metrics or to export the metrics to a CSV file.

About the metrics

The Sustainability dashboard displays the following metrics:

  • Total Power: sum of renewable and non-renewable power consumed by Fastly infrastructure.
  • Renewable Power: amount of renewable power consumed by Fastly infrastructure.
  • Non-renewable Power: amount of non-renewable power consumed by Fastly infrastructure.
  • Carbon: amount of carbon emissions produced by Fastly infrastructure.
  • Bandwidth: total number of bytes delivered.

What's next

Dig deeper into details about all areas of the web interface controls before you move on to using them to work with services.
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